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Dispute Resolution

What we can do for you:
  • Acting in pre-court dispute settlement



  • Litigation with the courts of general jurisdiction (ordinary courts)


  • Administrative disputes and litigations, such as ones relating to tax, exchange, competition and capital markets control


  • Interim injunctions


  • Expert witness reports and counter expert witness reports, expert opinions appointed by the court


  • Execution of foreign judgements and arbitral awards



  • Insolvency proceedings


  • Due diligence review with regard to prospects for debt recovery

  • Preparing expert opinions on issues of sanctions in international disputes before the Russian and foreign courts and international arbitration courts - such as no claims clause, etc.

We have got an extensive 30 years' experience in representing international corporate clients - such as DaimlerChrysler AG, BASF Aktiengeselllschaft, Oberbank AG or NCR - in more than 100 litigations before the Russian commercial state and ordinary courts.


Also, as a general counsel of a development company, we have managed further 100 cases involving disputes of the company with individual investors before ordinary courts and some 10 construction-related litigations with the commercial courts.


For instance, recently we have acted for an international construction company before the RF Constitutional Court and the RF Supreme Court in a case regarding implementation of the UN Security Council sanctions. Also, we have successfully represented the Austrian Oberbank in an independent guarantee-related litigation before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow.

Published articles and posts on issues of transnational litigation in English, German and Russian, especially, on enforcement of foreign awards and judgments in Russia.


Please see our publications on commercial litigation:

Filing a Suit in Russia, publication of 04.06.2020 (in German).

Russia has signed the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters, publication of 14.06.2021 (in German).

The Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards in Russia, Asian Dispute Resolution, July 2019, p. 106-113 (in English).

Statutes of limitation and debt recognition under Russian law, publication of 15.04.2024 (in German).

Security for the performance and recovery of claims in the Russian Federation, state: December 2000, Publication of Institute of Central and Eastern European Business Law of the Vienna Economies University No. 74, 32 pages (in German).

Protection of minoritary stockholders in Russia, state: December 2001, Publication of Institute of Central and Eastern European Business Law of the Vienna Economies University No. 84, 33 pages (in German).

Appealing against refusal of state registration of stocks, in: Joint-Stock Company Law, 2012, No. 3, p. 13-23 (in Russian).

Cases, in which we have acted for the client, include:


  • Acting for Weidmueller in insolvency proceedings before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow connected with recovery of security deposit from a bankrupt landlord (2022).

  • Successful acting for the German construction chemicals manufacturer in pre-trial settlement of a labor dispute against its Russian general manager due to his unauthorized spending of the company funds (2022).​​​​


  • Successful acting for a Cypriot lending company in a EUR 666,567 loan debt collection by means of sale of the mortgaged сlothing shop owned by a German individual and located in Moscow.

  • Successful acting for the German trade mark owner in termination of cooperation and trade mark and know how licence agreements and pre-trial settlement of a dispute against the former Russian licensee - among others, on imposing omission of further use of a domain name in the  .ru zone, which included the company name of the German trade mark owner. As a result, the Russian licensee discontinued use of this domain name.


  • Acting for a leasing company of the Swedish truck manufacturer Scania Leasing in a claim for avoidance of the financial leasing agreement, recovery of 20 trucks and EUR 800,000 debt payment against the Russian lessee before the Arbitrazh Court of the Republic of Tatarstan.


  • Acting for a Russian tenant in a dispute regarding lease termination and decrease of the lease payments due to COVID lockdown measures before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow (2020).


  • Acting for a Turkish construction company in a case regarding setting aside of the MKAS award before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow and the RF Supreme Court.


  • Acting for the German fashion house Karl Lagerfeld in service of the German court summons addressed at the debtor in Novosibirsk.

  • Successful acting for a French radio software producer Dalet in reaching settlement of a dispute against the Russian federal TV channel before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow.

  • Acting for an Italian sole shareholder in an insolvency case regarding its Russian subsidiary with the Arbitrazh Court of Republic Tatarstan in connection with an investment dispute.


  • Acting for Commerzbank in litigation regarding termination of office lease and recovery of damages before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow.


  • Successful acting for the Dresdner Bank in stay of execution in relation to a USD 2 mln. stand-by letter of credit and reaching of the settlement agreement approved by the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow.

  • Issue of an expert legal opinion for a Russian bank in a letter of credit-related dispute against the Dutch ING Bank before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow

  • Acting for a German hypermarket operator Hyperglobus iin a court dispute concerning recovery of EUR 500,000 advance payment on the basis of the design works’ agreement before the Arbitrazh Court of the Region of Moscow.

  • Acting for a German food supplements manufacturing company G.C. Hahn in a dispute regarding outstanding payment of the purchase price according to the share purchase agreement concerning the former subsidiary OOO in Novosibirsk.

  • Acting for a developer in a litigation against a general contractor in relation to recovery of retention payment before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow.

  • Acting for the plot owner in a dispute on vindicatory action before the 2nd Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction in Saratov.

  • Successful acting for the subsidiary of the Austrian paper supplier Europapier in litigations against the dismissed general manager and the group of affiliated companies before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow and the ordinary state courts in Samara, inter alia in connection with recovery of debts from delivery (asset stripping), challenge of the agreement for lease of the company apartment and its recovery from his illegal possession, as well as in the criminal proceedings against the dismissed general manager due to embezzlement of property and abuse of authority.

  • Acting for the Russian subsidiary of American air-conditioning system’s manufacturer Trane Technologies in a dispute in relation to delivery agreement before the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow.

  • Acting for the German distance trade company Quelle in unilateral termination of the agency agreement with a Russian agent, as well as in a court dispute concerning recovery of property and penalty in the Arbitrazh Court of the City of Moscow (EUR 125,000).


  • Acting for the German company in a dispute against the Russian supplier in relation to obligations to deliver the equipment and pay sanctions before the Arbitrazh Court of the Region of Penza.

  • Acting for the Swedish automotive leasing company in a dispute relating to early rescission of a leasing agreement and recovery of damages before the Arbitrazh Court of the Republic of Tatarstan (EUR 700,000).

  • Successful acting for the German meat-packing factory Suedfeisch GmbH in pre-trial settlement of a dispute on payment of the outstanding debt from delivery (USD 430,000) with a Russian debtor, drafting the agreement on repayment of debt and control over its fulfilment.


  • Successful acting for a Russian publishing house before the ordinary court in Moscow challenging the new license agreement authorizing distribution of novels of Volkov A.M. The Wizard of Emerald City and others by the German publishing company, which violated against Universal Copyright Convention 1971, with participation of Germany and Russia.


  • Acting for a Russian clothing shop operator in a dispute arising from a franchise agreement against the German licensor New Yorker (EUR 34 mln.).

  • Preparation of detailed report for the Government Service Insurance System, Philippines in relation to obtaining of testimony from Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications, located in Moscow, for a foreign court dispute with regard to a debt from consortium credit (USD 11 mln.), correspondence with Intersputnik.

  • Successful acting for a German magazine Der Spiegel in two defamation disputes before the Rayon Court in Moscow.

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