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Rustem Karimullin, Ph.D., LL.M., MCIArb



Address: Russian Federation, 119048, Moscow, ul. Usacheva 29 - 9 - 524

Postal address: Russian Federation, 123103, Moscow, P.O.B. 1



Tel: + 7 925 22 22 559



Since January of 2004 qualified as Attorney at Law (Advocate) and admitted to the Bar in the City of Moscow, Russia.


The attorney has a valid professional indemnity insurance, which covers risks of errors and omissions resulting from his professional activities and causing any financial damages to clients.

Professional experience

05/2014 - present 

2017 - present







2013 - 2014



2007 - 2012


2006 - 2007


2004 - 2006


2003 - 2004


2001 - 2003


2000 - 2001


1998 - 2000


1997 - 1998



1996 - 1997


1995 - 1996





1994 - 1996


Attorney-at-Law, Owner, Karimullin Law Firm, Moscow


Arbitrator, Arbitration Tribunal Secretary

International Commercial Arbitration Court (ICAC) at the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Moscow.

International Arbitration Practice Internship

Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) in Hong Kong


International Arbitration Practice Internship

German Arbitration Institution (DIS) in Cologne, Germany

General Counsel, Development Holding Company, Moscow


Senior Legal Counsel, De Berti Jacchia Franchini Forlani Law Firm (Italy), Moscow


Senior Associate, Beiten Burkhardt Law Firm (Germany), Moscow


Partner, Piksin & Partners Law Firm, Moscow


Senior Associate, CMS Hasche Sigle Law Firm (Germany), Moscow


Senior Associate, Noerr Stiefenhofer Lutz Law Firm (Germany), Moscow


Legal Manager, Ernst & Young (US), Moscow


Associate, Clifford Chance Law Firm (UK), Moscow 


Associate, Pünder Volhard Weber & Axster Law Firm (Germany), Moscow


Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany

Intern, Attorney at Law Dr. Jan Peter Waehler, Hamburg


Lawyer, JusT Law Firm, Moscow Regional Bar 


Intern, German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ / ex-GTZ), Legal Department, Eshborn, Germany


Intern, Koch-Heintzeler Widmann & Partners Law Firm, Drezden, Germany


Lawyer, Tatiurinform Law Firm, Kazan, Russia



2022 - 2023



2000 - 2001



1996 - 1999



1997 - 1998



1990 - 1996



















basic skills

basic skills

basic skills



Member of the Advocates Chamber

of the CIty of Moscow

International Bar Association (IBA)

American Bar Association (ABA)

the UK Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb)


Member of

German Institution of Arbitration (DIS)


London Court of International arbitration (LCIA) Users' Councils.​

Member of the Editorial Board of International Commercial Arbitration Review, Moscow and Commercial Arbitration, Moscow

Legal Courses


Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London)


International Academy for Arbitration Law

(Paris, France)


University of London (UK)


University of Law (former College of Law

of England and Wales)


George Washington University Law School,

Washington, D.C. (US) 


The Hague Academy of International Law (The Netherlands)


Duesseldorf International Arbitration School (Germany)

2010 - present

2010 - present

© 2014 by Karimullin Law Firm, Moscow Сity Bar /

Адвокатский кабинет Каримуллина Р.И. (Адвокатская палата г. Москвы)

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